Nectar is a debut feature film directed by Josh Kidd. The story follows a British musician who falls in love with a Venezuelan trafficker in New York City.
Winner of “Best Director” and “Best Supporting Actor” at the New York Film Awards, 2020. It also won “Best Drama” and “Best Actor” at the Oniros Film Awards in Italy, 2020. The film was awarded Honorable Mention: Feature Film at the New York Movie Awards, 2020.
Josh Kidd wins Best Director!
Nathan and Vanessa discuss politics
Nathan throws rocks on the river bank
Josh Kidd wins Best Director!
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About Finelight Films International
FineLight Films is an independent production company based in the U.K. and U.S.A. The company was formed through a shared vision of creating high quality, innovative feature films, and new media content. Our founding members bring a large and varied set of experiences across all areas of production.
Finelight endeavours to produce cinematic experiences of the highest calibre, striving to create marketable and pioneering projects.